Playtest Announcement


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January 3, 2023 at 7:25 PM

Playtest session #1 is near!

You will be invited to our playtest session! Make sure to join the Tartarea RPG discord for more support and other questions! What will be included ?

You will have access to all 12 classes that will be playable on launch.


  • Dawn Warrior

A warrior who mastered the power of water and the arts of the katana.

  • Berserker

A fierce warrior that leaves nothing but flames and destruction in their path.

  • Paladin A warrior thats always on the frontlines with the desire to protect others.


  • Sangoma

A tribe mage that studied the arts and believes of the sun.

  • Arcanist

A mage who studied the arts of magicks and uses various elements to their disposal.

  • Druid

A mage that uses the power of nature.


  • Bandit

A thief with all-round skills that sets their life on treasures.

  • Tempest

This thief mastered the wind ninjutsu roaming freely as the wind.

  • Assassin

A shadowy thief that does everything to take their target down.


  • Wild Hunter

An Archer blessed by the hunter spirit.

  • Icevale

The archer that mastered both ice and lightning and combined it with Archery.

  • Pathfinder

The archer that came in conctact with the void, now using it's powers at will.

You can talk to each Master NPC to change class and access a store to grab all the gear for each respective class.

**All classes will be capped at level 50. **

You will be able to access one dungeon and some boss arenas in a party or alone.

During the playtest session, there will be a form you can fill in to answer some questions and if possible give some feedback.

The date and time will be given in a new post and discord server and all invited players will be notified with instructions.

Thank you for your time! See you at the playtest session!

  • GM DEL.